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I offer scheduled fees for services and I also create treatment plans based on your unique needs.

The first step is for us to have an initial, no obligation and no cost, phone consultation

where we'll discuss your needs.

Each person is unique: Your environment, your cultural and social situation and

how you operate within your world will be a determinant of the goals you wish to achieve.


I'll answer your questions and determine what’s required to achieve the goals you desire.  

We have plans for various needs,

such as Stop Smoking Plans, or packages for general ongoing therapies

and even session by session offerings that suit other needs.

Our discussion seeks to determine your specific needs and goals,

and when appropriate, to create your tailored Treatment Program,

a tailored set of therapies, designed specifically for you,

and these can be delivered over an agreed timeline and number of sessions.


During our first clinical session, ( 90 Mins duration is typical ) 

I drill down deeper into your needs and goals and will fine tune

the therapeutic approach I apply to a much finer degree.


My goal is to get your the results you work with me to achieve

and I am known to be both generous with my time and

to really go  the added distance to get you the results you desire.  


Your Treatment Package will be delivered using an

ideal combination of therapies including any or

all of the following treatment modalities:


Strategic Hypnotherapy - Clinical Hypnotherapy
Advanced Strategic Psychotherapy
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Generative Trance

Time Based Therapies
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - Aka Tapping)

Ericksonian, Foveal and Conversational Clinical Hypnotherapy

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
Motivational Interviewing
Strategic Coaching

Trauma Release Therapy



Service Information:

  • Free 15 min consult when you book

  • First 20 Mins of first session is also no obligation & Free 

  • This 20 mins is so you can decide if you wish to proceed 

  • Services do not require a Doctors referral.

  • During COVID times - sessions always available via Video App & Telehealth

  • Fees negotiable for Students and Clients in financial hardship (On a Case by Case Basis)

  • for more information please call Kerry on 0412-412-881.

  • Medicare and Private Health Fund Rebates may be available.

 ** Receive a 10% discount when you purchase a prepaid package of 6 sessions

(** If a discounted rate isn't already applied).


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